Establishing an Effective Threat Management Program (Part 4 of 5)

Part 4: Best Practices for Threat Management

When it comes to threat management:

  • Recognizing that a threat exists—that there is the potential for harm—is a sound beginning.
  • Assessing the potential threat(s), to identify likely consequences and their impacts on your organization, is an essential next step.
  • Proactively managing the threat(s) in order to mitigate associated consequences can change or arrest the trajectory or course of events from a harmful outcome to effective mitigation—which is precisely what we will discuss in this article.

Best Practice is to Manage a Threat Before it Becomes a Hazard

Threat management is accomplished through interventions intended to reduce the risk posed by identified threats and hazards. It’s important to always keep in mind that preventing an incident from occurring in the first place is far more preferable to needing to respond to and recover from an incident or event.

For example, to address the threat associated with a hurricane predicted to make landfall at your location in the next 72-96 hours, you could take active steps to minimize risk by evacuating personnel, boarding up windows at your facilities, and relocating potentially vulnerable equipment. Another option would be to choose to wait and reassess the threat over the next 24 hours before making the decision to act.

Both approaches are valid, and both may effectively mitigate risk associated with the coming hurricane. There is risk associated with each action, and you should consider that risk when you are creating your plans or applying them. The key point to recognize is that the decision on how to respond to the elevated threat represented by the hurricane should be made before the threat becomes an active hazard.

By the time your organization is responding to an incident, most of the opportunities to make good decisions are already past, and you’re left doing the best you can with whatever information and resources are available. Effective threat management focuses on maximizing the ability to make those good decisions before adrenalin and circumstances make that more difficult.

Characteristics of Threat Management Strategies

Threat management is the implementation of carefully planned passive and/or active interventions focused on a specific threat or hazard.

With the goals of prevention and protection, a threat management program should develop and recommend intervention strategies to prevent incidents or events, and mitigate their effects if the prevention effort is not successful. These strategies should incorporate actions directly involving the threat itself, any elements of an organization that may be vulnerable to the threat, and the overall organizational environment or setting in which the threat could manifest.

It is vital to remember that while it’s important to standardize your processes for threat identification straight through to the assessment and risk analysis phases of your program, your management strategy for each threat should be tailored and unique in each instance.

Be aware that, while offering a solid starting point, best practice or previously used threat management strategies may not provide the best answer for your organization. Threat management strategies are only limited by your imagination, the laws of physics, and the statutes, rules, and regulations that your organization operates under. Innovative thinking allows your organization to stay adaptable and provides opportunities to mitigate risk in ways not previously attempted.

Effective Threat Management Strategies:

  • Are holistic in considering the threat, the vulnerabilities, and the organizational environment
  • Sometimes involve multiple, concurrent intervention strategies
  • Require accurate and effective communication (both internally and externally as appropriate)
  • Can be short-term or long-term
  • Are either active (i.e.: directly engaging with the threat), or passive (i.e.: monitoring the threat and gathering additional data)
  • Require continual reassessment, adjustment and follow-through
  • Take advantage of multi-disciplinary teams
  • May not always work as planned
  • Must be flexible

Threat Management Intervention Strategies

Take no action – only advisable if the threat assessment and risk analysis reveal that there is no imminent threat, and the associated risk is acceptable to the organization.

Watch and wait – used when there is a possibility for harm, not enough information to confirm the threat, and the associated risk is acceptable to the organization.

More detailed threat and risk assessment – used when additional expertise is needed to understand threat and risk. This may involve engaging subject matter experts outside of your organization.

Administrative actions – addressing the human element of vulnerability by establishing or updating policy and practice to deal with specific aspects of the threat or related consequence. For example, when specifically dealing with an insider threat, this might include HR actions such as restrictions, suspension, discipline, expulsion, or termination.

Physical actions – addressing identified vulnerabilities and hardening potential targets through architectural changes or the introduction of additional protective measures.

Consequence planning – recognizing that prevention and protection may not be 100% effective, and creating plans for your organization to respond to and recover from the incident or event. Planning should absolutely cover emergency interventions for those threats that are determined to be immediate or imminent.

Preparedness activities – training and exercising the people within and around your organization to maximize threat awareness, educate them regarding response and recovery plans, and validating that the plans are appropriate and that the people understand expectations, roles, and responsibilities within those plans.

Avoid These Common Pitfalls

Underestimating threat management duration: Threat management can be short-term or long-term, with some strategies requiring engagement ranging in duration from days to years. Threats that initially seem suited for short-term management may ultimately turn out to be long-lasting. They may appear to be resolved or mitigated, only to require reassessment as new facts and circumstances emerge.

Fatigue: After a while, individuals supporting a threat management program could end up feeling exhausted, or worse, desensitized. Consider rotating threat management responsibilities among personnel to promote fair workloads, and monitor schedules to allow for downtime or vacations. Also, new threats may emerge while existing threats are being addressed, so be sure to weigh the priorities and demands for each threat management activity.

Misguided expectations or assumptions: Threat management is much more nuanced and prevalent than the instances that become highly publicized and involve significant physical or economic consequences. Only a very few number of organizations will ever experience incidents of that kind, while a far greater number will face other forms of threat. Your organization’s leadership is ultimately responsible for the protection of the organization and its members to the fullest practical extent by taking measures to mitigate identified threats.

Harmful response and management strategies: An important consideration is avoiding a circumstance where threat management activities may actually enhance the threat instead of mitigating it. When implementing threat management strategies, your organization should consider how threat management interventions could affect other elements of the organization or brand.

Your Organization’s Resilience Depends Largely on its Threat Management Program

Organizations with effective threat management programs plan well, share information, and understand when urgency is needed. They act with care and provide clear guidance and oversight for those implementing solutions. They continually re-evaluate the threat environment, re-assess when necessary, and understand that patience and persistence may be needed throughout the process.

There’s a lot involved here, which is why taking the time to establish a robust, scalable and practical threat management program is so essential. Implementing the tactics and strategies outlined in this 5-part series will give you a solid start—and the Crisis Ready Institute team is always here to help guide and support your efforts when you hit some roadblocks or have further questions.

Read the other parts of this 5-part series on developing your Threat Management Program:

Part 1: Defining and Categorizing Threats for your Organization
Part 2: Designing the Ability to Properly Detect a Threat
Part 3: Properly Assessing a Threat and Analyzing its Risk
Part 5: Building Your Threat Management Program

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    Paul Damaren

    Paul Damaren is the Global Director of Strategic Accounts for LRQA, a global Assurance Provider. Paul also holds the position of Chief Commercial Officer and Partner at StepUp Solution Services. Paul has worked as a Senior Executive in the Certification space for 10 years and has over 39 years’ experience in the Hospitality, Certification, Service, Retail agri-food and Technology sectors. Damaren is skilled in sales, marketing, certification, operations and software applications and he possesses an MBA from McGill University.

    Mr. Damaren has worked with many companies across multiple sectors in supporting their food safety, supply chain, health & wellness, front & back of house operations, brand protection, quality, environmental, health & safety, GMP/GDP compliance, automotive, aerospace, medical, information security and technology requirements.

    Paul was formerly a board member and Treasurer for the Ontario Food Protection Association (OFPA) and is a currently an Advisor & Council Member with The GW University School of Business and the Crisis Ready Institute.

    Before working in the Certification industry, Damaren was a professional Chef/consultant for 20+ years working in major hotel chains, restaurants, private golf courses and food service organizations. Further, Damaren was a member of the National Canadian Federation of Chefs and Cooks (C.F.C.C.) for 14 years, member of the Region of Waterloo Culinary Association (R.W.C.A.) for 14 years, President of R.W.C.A. (Region of Waterloo Culinary Association) for 3 years, special Events chairman - R.W.C.A. – 1998 – 2000 and National Culinary Ambassador to Russia for 5 years.

    Paul’s wealth of knowledge and experience across the span of our services supports his commitment to the ongoing success of our customers.

    As Executive Vice President and Managing Director in the BCW Public Affairs and Crisis practice, Licy drives healthcare and social impact policy and strategy, and helps shape strategic direction on diversity, inclusion and belonging for the firm and its clients across North America, in public and corporate affairs, government relations, communications, crisis and reputation management. Licy also leads the BCW Healthcare Team in Washington, D.C.

    An expert in public affairs, policy and diversity and inclusion, with over twenty five years of experience at the international, national, state and local levels across the nonprofit, philanthropic, corporate and government sectors, Licy is an accomplished, values-driven leader with unparalleled experience in developing and leading integrated public affairs campaigns combining strategic communications, public relations, political/legislative initiatives, policy, coalition building, grassroots efforts and advocacy.

    Before joining BCW, Licy built and lead a nationally recognized minority owned strategic public affairs and communications firm, served as Health Practice Chair and Principal at The Raben Group, was the Chief Executive Officer of The AIDS Alliance for Children, Youth and Families, and managed and helped set the leadership direction for strategic policy, communications, and advocacy investments in executive and senior government affairs roles for the American Cancer Society and the nation’s Community Health Centers.

    Before joining the private sector, Licy was domestic policy advisor to U.S. Congressman Barney Frank and served in several capacities in the Office of Senator Edward M. Kennedy. During his extensive tenure in Washington, D.C., Licy has played a leading role in efforts to draft, shape and enact legislation and policy to improve the public health, health care safety net and the lives, livelihoods and well-being of the nation’s disadvantaged and underserved communities. 

    Licy also has worked with Moet Hennessey to drive diversity and inclusion on Wall Street and corporate America. He has partnered with Vice President Al Gore, senior government officials, scientists, NGOs and activists, on global climate change impact and sustainability across Africa. And he was appointed by Republican and Democrat governors to oversee the conservation, preservation and management of a prominent U.S. national historic landmark.

    Licy is a graduate of Duke University and holds a certificate in public health leadership in epidemic preparedness and management from the University of North Chapel Hill—School of Public Health and Kenan Flagler Business School, and is the recipient of multiple industry awards and citations for his leadership, policy and public affairs acumen, including being named to The Hill Newspaper list of most influential  leaders in Washington, D.C. consecutively over the last ten years. As a global citizen, Licy has lived in Turkey and Spain, and is fluent in Spanish and Cape Verdean Portuguese.

    About the Inaugural Membership Feedback

    As we get this membership off the ground, we’re looking to our 2022 inaugural members to be a part of helping us strengthen and tailor this program to meet your needs.

    This will involve regular communication with the Crisis Ready Team to provide feedback, share requests for additional ways to support you and your business, etc.

    About the Crisis Ready Courses

    Each Crisis Ready Course is designed to help you strengthen your Crisis Ready® Expertise. Course subjects will include crisis communication, establishing governance, crisis leadership, storytelling for crisis comms, DEI integration, and more.

    Each course is complete with:

    • Anywhere from 4-15 hours of virtual learning that you can do at your own pace
    • Knowledge tests
    • Worksheets and resources to help you bring these valuable learnings and use them within your client work (applicable solely to those who have the license through this membership)
    • A Certificate Of Completion upon successful completion of each course

    Crisis Ready IMPACT, the Mastermind for Consultants

    $12,500.00 USD

    Select your payment option below. You can choose to pay for your annual membership in full or in two equal instalments (50% due immediately and 50% due in three months).


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    Opportunity for Individualized Coaching and Support

    If you:

    • Sometimes feel as though you’re in over your head with your clients’ issue and crisis management needs
    • Could use support and coaching to help you prepare for and have business development discussions with prospective clients
    • Wish you had more behind-the-scenes support as you serve and support your clients
    • Would benefit from personalized coaching and support as you take your Crisis Ready skills and services to the next level...

    ... then you will benefit from Crisis Ready Institute's 1:1 coaching and support. This opportunity is retainer-based and is offered exclusively to our consultant and small agency members.

    This offering provides personalized coaching and support in:

    • Managing client issues and crises as they arise. We support you as you support your clients so that you can feel confident in the recommendations and advice you provide.
    • Integrating the Crisis Ready Model into your business and client work.
    • Helping you strategize business development conversations and close more deals.
    • Gaining buy-in from existing clients. We can be your frontward-facing partner or remain behind-the-scenes, whatever the situation calls for.

    Two Packages Available:

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    Melissa Agnes


    • Recognized globally as an expert, thought-leader and visionary in the field of crisis communication.
    • Has worked with global players, including NATO, the Pentagon (DoD), Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defense, financial firms, technology companies, healthcare organizations, cities and municipalities, law enforcement agencies, aviation organizations, global non-profits, etc.
    • Author of “Crisis Ready: Building an Invincible Brand in an Uncertain World”—ranked amongst the leading crisis management books of all time and named as one of the top ten
      business books of 2018 by Forbes.
    • Creator of the Crisis Ready® Model–which is recognized and being taught as leading industry best practice in universities and higher education curriculums around the world,
      including at Harvard University.
    • Leading international keynote speaker on the subject and TEDx alumna.
    • Sat on the panel tasked with developing the International Standard for Crisis Management— ISO 22361, Guidelines for developing a strategic capability.
    • Sits on the Board of Directors for ZeroNow, a non-profit on a mission to bring school violence down to ZERO.
    • Sat on Police Professional Standards, Ethics and Image Committee for the International Association of Chiefs of Police.
    • Founder of the Crisis Ready® Community.

    Build for a stronger tomorrow by strengthening your team’s skills in issue management, crisis management, and crisis communication.

    Between the demands of our social impact economy, the divisiveness of society and the many other challenges in front of us, embedding a crisis ready culture is more important than ever before. Having a team that is trained, poised, and empowered to effectively respond to risk, controversy and other threats, will strengthen stakeholder relationships and increase the brand equity of your organization. This is a powerful opportunity. The Crisis Ready® Coaching Program is specifically designed to equip your team with the tools needed today for launching into a stronger tomorrow.

    Effectively manage through today’s challenges with the help of a diverse group of experts.

    From best practices around re-opening, to diversity and inclusion, to managing through the impacts that 2020 has left on your business, the Crisis Ready® Coaching Program is designed to support you through the challenges of today, in order to recover faster and stronger for an even better tomorrow.

    Gain strategic foresight into the coming months, giving you the tools you need to better anticipate and plan for a stronger future.

    COVID-19 continues to affect a great majority of professionals and businesses, leaving them blindsided by its impact and all the uncertainty that came with it. The Crisis Ready® Coaching Program provides you with access to a diverse group of experts, each with unique areas of insight, to help provide you and your team with strengthened foresight to better anticipate and plan for both the risks and opportunities that lay ahead of us all.

    Licy Do Canto

    Licy Do Canto, is a veteran of public policy, corporate strategy, health care communications and diversity and inclusion, is managing director of APCO Worldwide’s Washington D.C. office headquarters and mid-Atlantic region lead. Licy is also a Global Advisory Council (GAC) member here at the Crisis Ready Institute and a highly recognized African-American public affairs, lobbyist and communications strategist— recognized by TheHill newspaper for the 11th consecutive year as one of the most influential leaders in Washington, DC.

    As Executive Vice President and Managing Director in the BCW Public Affairs and Crisis practice, Licy drives healthcare and social impact policy and strategy, and helps shape strategic direction on diversity, inclusion and belonging for the firm and its clients across North America, in public and corporate affairs, government relations, communications, crisis and reputation management. Licy also leads the BCW Healthcare Team in Washington, D.C.

    An expert in public affairs, policy and diversity and inclusion, with over twenty five years of experience at the international, national, state and local levels across the nonprofit, philanthropic, corporate and government sectors, Licy is an accomplished, values-driven leader with unparalleled experience in developing and leading integrated public affairs campaigns combining strategic communications, public relations, political/legislative initiatives, policy, coalition building, grassroots efforts and advocacy.

    Before joining BCW, Licy built and lead a nationally recognized minority owned strategic public affairs and communications firm, served as Health Practice Chair and Principal at The Raben Group, was the Chief Executive Officer of The AIDS Alliance for Children, Youth and Families, and managed and helped set the leadership direction for strategic policy, communications, and advocacy investments in executive and senior government affairs roles for the American Cancer Society and the nation’s Community Health Centers.

    Before joining the private sector, Licy was domestic policy advisor to U.S. Congressman Barney Frank and served in several capacities in the Office of Senator Edward M. Kennedy. During his extensive tenure in Washington, D.C., Licy has played a leading role in efforts to draft, shape and enact legislation and policy to improve the public health, health care safety net and the lives, livelihoods and well-being of the nation’s disadvantaged and underserved communities. 

    Licy also has worked with Moet Hennessey to drive diversity and inclusion on Wall Street and corporate America. He has partnered with Vice President Al Gore, senior government officials, scientists, NGOs and activists, on global climate change impact and sustainability across Africa. And he was appointed by Republican and Democrat governors to oversee the conservation, preservation and management of a prominent U.S. national historic landmark.

    Licy is a graduate of Duke University and holds a certificate in public health leadership in epidemic preparedness and management from the University of North Chapel Hill—School of Public Health and Kenan Flagler Business School, and is the recipient of multiple industry awards and citations for his leadership, policy and public affairs acumen, including being named to The Hill Newspaper list of most influential  leaders in Washington, D.C. consecutively over the last ten years. As a global citizen, Licy has lived in Turkey and Spain, and is fluent in Spanish and Cape Verdean Portuguese.

    Melissa Agnes

    Recognized globally as an expert, thought leader and visionary in the field of crisis communication, Melissa Agnes has worked with global players, including NATO, the Pentagon (DoD), Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defense, financial firms, technology companies, healthcare organizations, cities and municipalities, law enforcement agencies, aviation organizations, global non-profits, and many others.

    In 2020, Melissa founded Crisis Ready Institute, a public benefit corporation dedicated to teaching advanced crisis communication skills.

    She's currently passionate about providing dedicated support to crisis communication consultants. Through her programs, she’s focused on helping them strengthen their crisis communication skills and credibility in the market, and supporting them in growing and scaling their business. The work they do is important and she's passionate about helping them amplify the positive impact they have in the world.

    Her book, Crisis Ready: Building an Invincible Brand in an Uncertain World, is taught in dozens of universities around the world, including at Harvard University; is ranked amongst the leading crisis management books of all time, by Book Authority; and was named one of the top ten business books of 2018 by Forbes.

    Melissa is the creator of the Crisis Ready® Model, which is recognized and being taught as leading industry best practice in the fields of crisis management and crisis communication.

    As an in-demand international keynote speaker and a TEDx alumna, Melissa has traveled the world helping organizations and leaders further strengthen their crisis ready mindset, skills and capabilities.

    In 2019, Melissa founded the Crisis Ready® Community, a space for professionals to come together to support one another, collaborate and strengthen their crisis ready skills.

    Melissa sits on the Board of Directors for ZeroNow, a non-profit committed to ending harmful events in schools.

    She also sat on the Board of Trustees for D'Youville University for four years until the end of her term, where she also serves as a visiting scholar for the course she co-created and co-teaches on Crisis Leadership.

    Passionate about serving law enforcement and bridging the trust divide between agencies and the communities they serve, Melissa is a former member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP). In 2021 she co-chaired a committee tasked with developing a strategy and plan of action to begin resolving the trust crisis in the U.S.

    In 2019 and 2020, Melissa sat on the panel tasked with developing the International Standard for Crisis Management— ISO 22361, Guidelines for developing a strategic capability.

    Born and raised in Montreal, Quebec, Melissa currently lives in New York City and enjoys weight-lifting, sailing, and exploring new cities, countries, and cultures.

    Erick Anez

    Erick Anez is the Global Head of Business Resilience at Finastra. Erick is a proven leader with well over a decade of experience leading change and transformation in the Operational Resilience field.

    His hands-on approach focuses on operational learning, culture, and reputational management. Erick holds a Bachelor of Emergency & Homeland Security, Graduate studies in Security and Disaster Management, is a Certified Business Continuity Professional (CBCP), Certified Risk Management Professional (CRMP), graduate of the FEMA institute in Incident Management and Command, and is a respected member of Public-Private partnerships within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) and  the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

    Some of his most notable achievements in the field include leading the private sector response to Hurricane Maria as well as working with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in Continuity of Operations (CCOP) projects for mission-critical facilities in the United States. Erick has also trained with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Infectious Disease Planning and community response, including Point of Dispensing initiatives.

    From 2016 to 2019, Erick held several roles at Crowley and, most recently, was the company’s Managing Director of Safety & Resilience. During this time, he was responsible for resilience operations supporting all business segments as well as leading the organization’s safety culture improvement journey. At Crowley, he led the Occupational Health & Safety, Business Continuity, and Crisis Management teams.

    Before joining Crowley, Erick held similar roles at Southwest Gas and Third Federal Savings & Loan.

    Aaron Marks

    Founder and Principal, One Thirty Nine Consulting
    Global Advisory Council Member, Crisis Ready® Institute

    Aaron Marks is the founder and principal of One Thirty Nine Consulting, providing services for small and large businesses in Risk, Crisis, and Consequence Management.

    Supporting both domestic and international clients, he provides operational and subject matter expertise in readiness and preparedness, crisis and incident management, and business and operational continuity for complex systems and organizations.

    Aaron has provided in-depth review, assessment, and analysis for technology, policy, and operational programs for clients in healthcare, critical manufacturing, and entertainment and hospitality, as well as for state, local, tribal, territorial, and federal governments in the United States, Europe, and the Middle East. He is a recognized authority on the application of nontraditional techniques and methodologies to meet the unique requirements of training, evaluation, and analytic games and exercise.

    Prior to entering the readiness and preparedness field, Aaron was the Director of Operations for a commercial ambulance and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) provider in western New York State where he participated in the integration of commercial EMS and medical transportation resources into the local Trauma System.

    During his 30-year career, Aaron has worked in almost every aspect of EMS except fleet services. This includes experience in Hazardous Materials and Tactical Medicine, provision of prehospital care in urban, suburban, rural, and frontier environments, and acting as a team leader for both ground and aeromedical Critical Care Transport Teams.

    Aaron is a FEMA Master Exercise Practitioner and received a B.A. in Psychology from Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas, and a master’s degree in Public Administration with a focus in Emergency Management from Jacksonville State University in Jacksonville, Alabama. He is also a Nationally Registered Paramedic and currently practices as an Assistant Chief with the Amissville Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department, Amissville Virginia.

    Chris Hsiung

    Chris is the 11th Police Chief of the Mountain View Police Department, located in the heart of Silicon Valley. For more than 25 years, he has served the Mountain View community, and as the department’s leader, is passionate about maintaining MVPD’s role as a progressive law enforcement organization in the 21st century.

    Chris is an internationally recognized speaker and columnist on the areas of crisis communications, critical incident management, leadership, and engagement with stakeholder groups. In his time with Mountain View PD, Chris has held a variety of investigative, tactical, and leadership roles, serving in every division in the organization. He is a graduate of the Harvard Kennedy School of Government Senior Executives in State and Local Government program and has a master’s degree in eBusiness Management from Notre Dame de Namur in Belmont, CA.

    Chris also serves in several leadership positions on multiple boards, including as president on the Government Social Media Leadership Council and committee member on the IACP's Professional Standards, Ethics, and Image Committee. Previously, Chris served as a board member for the Peninsula Conflict Resolution Center and two terms as a commissioner on the City of San Mateo Community Relations Commission.

    You can connect with him on Twitter @Chief_Hsiung or LinkedIn.

    Ashley Davis

    Ashley is a Brand and Marketing Strategist who partners with CEOs, executives and solopreneurs to grow their personal and professional brands. After spending over a decade working in strategic communications for multimillion dollar brands and startups, Ashley knows what truly drives conversations, builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their stakeholder groups and attracts strong strategic partnerships.

    Ashley has helped organizations and leaders increase employee awareness and overall understanding of the company vision. She has strong experience / knowledge of social media tools and techniques for driving awareness, reputation and brand—and is known for advancing a company's messaging in the marketplace by growing the following of now multiple multimillion dollar brands and startups.

    Ashley has served as the Editor of monthly all employee publications by managing the planning, writing and production. She is an integral part of new product launches and is frequently engaged to train entire sales teams along with channel / distribution partners on new product launches. In addition to her extensive experience, Ashley is a trained business coach.

    Ashley holds a BA in Global Business Management from the University of Phoenix.

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